5 Fun Things to Do on Christmas Break

Christmas is almost upon us, and with it will come down time (hopefully!) for the majority of us. Christmas break is a great time to relax and enjoy some time with our kids. Here are some fun things you can do with your kids while on Christmas break.

  1. Get out the Play Doh- Kids love this stuff, but parents tend to hate it because it is super messy. Christmas break is a great time to let them have at it. If you don’t have any on hand make some! This is fun and super easy to do! For the recipe check out this pin.
  2. Have a game day- Spend the day playing board games. Some favorites may be Candy Land, Uno, Chutes and Ladders and Memory
  3. Dress up- Let the kids dress up, and then you can too. Offer them makeovers, and let the kids paint your nails.
  4. Movie and Pajama Day-Pop up some popcorn, pop in a holiday movie and have a pajama day.
  5. Bake cookies-No, you don’t have to do this from scratch! Get the fun refrigerated cookie dough with reindeer and snowmen and bake some cookies for Santa 🙂 .

Christmas break is a time to enjoy our families. Don’t feel obligated to try some new crazy pin on Pinterest, instead find something easy or simple that your kids will like and enjoy some time together.

We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!

Photo courtesy of Freedigital Photos/Ambro

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