Preschool at Home Vs. Center Based Preschool Part 2

For many parents, the decision to send their children to preschool is one based on concern, or necessity. Parents may not feel they can engage their child or offer them what they need if they leave them home until Kindergarten. Some parents simply do not have the time due to work constraints, or other obligations.

If you have been on the fence about sending your child to preschool, then this series is for you. We are going to break down what preschool looks like at home, and what it may look like at a center. We are also going to look at some of the pros and cons of both. These posts will be done in three parts. Today we are going to look at the pros and cons of home based preschool.

For arguments sake, I am going to consider home based preschool one that is done in the home by a babysitter (family or paid) or by a parent. Home based preschool is one where the caregiver teaches the child the skills that are necessary before entering preschool. This can be done through play, workbooks, hands on activities, or another way that the caregiver deems fit.

What are the Pros and Cons of Home Based Preschool?

Home based preschool offers a great transition for a child who has never been in daycare. They are able to transition from no structure, to structure and learning in a relaxed environment that is either in their home or in a home like atmosphere. This is particularly important for children who do not do well with change, or those who may have special needs. Home based preschool offers an environment where children can learn at their own pace, and a lower than average student/teacher ratio.  There are less chances for germs, illnesses, or for them to learn not so desirable behaviors from other kids.

While there are many pros to a home based preschool, there are also cons. Children who are in a home based preschool setting may have a harder time transitioning into kindergarten because they have not been away from a parent for a long period of time, or have become accustomed to another primary caregiver. If the child has not been in a classroom setting, they may have a harder time learning to sit down, or stay in their seat. Socialization skills are very important, and if a child has not been around other children (in either a Mops program, library programs, church classes, or other situations) they may have a hard time being in a large classroom.

These are a few of the pros and cons of home based preschool. Next week we will look at what preschool looks like in a home based situation and in a center.

For more on this topic check out the other posts in this series:

Preschool at Home Vs. Center Part 1: Center Based Preschool

What Does Preschool Look Like? 

Photo credit: Freedigital photos/phanlop88

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