The Pros and Cons of Common Core

Last week we discussed what common core was and why it is so controversial. Today we are going to take a look at the pros and cons of the Common Core Standards


  •  Common core will allow the standardized test scores of students be compared more accurately. Before the standards, each state had their own assessments and standards. This made it difficult to compare one states result with another.
  • Due to the fact that standards and assessments will be consistent across the states, students moving to a new state or school district will have an easier transition.
  • Common core standards will help enhance the professional development of teachers as well as teacher collaboration. All teachers will be teaching the same curriculum allowing teachers from all over the nation work together and share tips that work in the classroom.


“Today, a fourth grade teacher in New Mexico can develop a lesson plan at night and, the very next day, a fourth grade teacher in New York can use it and share it with others if she wants to. “ ~Arne Duncan

  • The standards were internationally benchmarked. This means that they favor the standards of other countries. In a nation with a global job market, this is important. Especially since the United States, educational ranking has dropped considerably over the last few decades. With the standards being internationally benchmarked, the United States ranking should improve.
  • Common Core Standards should increase rigor in the classroom. This should lead to more students being better prepared for life after high school, and less needing remediation courses in college.



  • Common Core further federalizes the government control of our countries education system.

“It’s not only public schools that must obey the fed’s dictates. Common Core will control the curriculum of charter schools, private schools, religious schools, Catholic schools and homeschooling.”~ Phyllis Schlafly, conservative political analyst, writing in the Christian Post

  • Common Core will be a huge transition, and the adjustment may be very difficult for students and teachers. The new way of teaching and learning means that the transition will be slow, and results may take a while.
  • There is no Common Core Standards Assessment for special needs students. This means that when it comes to testing 100% of the school’s students will be held accountable.
  • The Common Core Standards were designed from a middle ground of all the current state standards. This means that while some states standards have been raised, others have been watered down.
  • Common Core standards will lead to an increase in standardized test pressure. Teachers and schools will be held accountable for test scores more than ever before, and funding will also be tied to how well schools and students perform.

These are just a few of the many pros and cons related to Common Core. No one really knows what the long-term impact of the new Common Core Standards will be. However, we should know soon as the roll out of the new standards has been implemented throughout the country this school year.

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